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2.3.2. Configure

Configuration for the WebMapReduce frontend is stored in the file include/settings.php. The file simply contains a list of global variables and their values—mostly simple strings, with a few arrays—so even if you are unfamiliar with PHP, editing should not be difficult.
If the settings.php file does not exist already, use a copy of the example file, settings.php.example:
$ cp include/settings.php.example include/settings.php
Configuration is divided into three main sections: interface, connection, and authentication. The first two are described below; authentication settings are explained in the next section. Connection Settings

We need to tell the frontend how to communicate with the backend. For a basic connection that does not (yet) use the security options presented in Section 2.4, “Securing Access”, you should only have to set the backend URL:
$wmrServer = 'http://hostname:port';
hostname is the hostname or IP of the machine running the backend (or localhost, if it is on the same machine). port is the value of wmr.server.bind.port in the backend configuration, which is 50100 by default.


The hostname you put here may need to match the value of in the backend configuration. Check that these match if you experience connection errors.