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2.2.3. Configure

Before WebMapReduce will function, some basic settings must be configured. The relevant configuration is split into two parts: the main configuration and the supported languages configuration. Main Configuration

For its main configuration, WebMapReduce uses a scheme similar to Hadoop's: default settings are stored in a file named wmr-default.xml with site-specific changes in wmr-site.xml. Both of these files are usually stored in the $WMR_HOME/conf directory, and they have the exact same format and features as Hadoop's configuration files.
To begin, set a password for the submission database using the property wmr.db.password in the file wmr-site.xml (if one is not present, copy/rename wmr-site.xml.example). Place the following stanza inside the root <configuration> element:
Next, optionally set the hostname and port to which the server should bind if the defaults will not work for you (localhost and 50100, respectively):

Those settings should be enough for a first run of WMRServer. Other settings that might be of interest at this point are wmr.dfs.home and wmr.temp.dir. Look at wmr-default.xml for a full list of possible settings and their descriptions (some of these will be covered in later sections).